Monday, August 14, 2006

Iran Gets Snarky

Watch out Gawker, there's a new boy on the blogging block and like bad boy pioneer Mel Gibson, he's not afraid to spew a little anti-Semitism. That's right Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a blog. His feature “Ahadinejad Stalker” is hilarious as posters leak the whereabouts of infidels and citizens still loyal to the Shah to the secret police.

Thanks to The Rachel Maddow Show for pointing this out to me.

*Update* DON'T click on the Amadinejad link at work, it directs you to a gang bang porn site. Just kidding, but it doesn't seem to be working...

*Update 2* The link now seems to be working if you go to the Rachel Maddow site, he has an RSS feed. I'll be dropping that baby into Bloglines.

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